Deborah Del Debbio


One of the many benefits at living at 806 North 4th is that it is not just a place to rent, but an education.  You can earn a Certificate from the Fairfield Iowa School of Home Economics, showing your proficiency in home management with skills such as cooking, energy conservation, security, first aid, and home repairs, or skill in getting a man to do them.   Guys appreciate a woman who can take care of the home while he is at work, focusing on earning money.  You simply check off a list of as many of the 50 skills you can do and 70% qualifies as a passing grade. You get virtual merit badges, like in the Girl Scouts.  The owner is happy to answer any questions and show you how to do the various skill requirements in light of the Science of Creative Intelligence, with principles such as "Do Less and Accomplish More" and "Order is Present Everywhere."  So you can complete your stay as a graduate with a bachelorette's certificate in the Science of Home Economics, suitable for framing.  This adds fullness to the University's goal of providing Total Knowledge.  Join the Alumnae and find more information at - the Fairfield Iowa School of Home Economics.


Merit Badge NFTs


Electricity Conservation


Home Safety

Home Repairs

Cooking Outdoors

Home Temperature

Home Security



Party Organizing

Energy Conservation