Your Receipt and Itinerary (Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to access your reservation.)
            806 NORTH 4TH STREET
            FAIRFIELD IA 52556

Thank you for choosing Delta. We encourage you to review this information before your trip. If you need to contact Delta or check on your flight information, go to delta.com, call 800-221-1212 or call the number on the back of your SkyMilesŪ card.

Now, managing your travel plans just got easier. You can exchange, reissue and refund electronic tickets at delta.com. Take control and make changes to your itineraries at delta.com/itineraries.


Speed through the airport. Check-in online for your flight.

Flight Information

TICKET #:  00623144107386
                                 Bkng                          Meals/ Seat/
Day Date       Flight     Status Class       City        Time  Other  Cabin
--- ----- --------------- ------ ----- ---------------- ------ ------ -------
Mon 07SEP DELTA 1881        OK     U   LV BALT/WASH IN  955A           **
                                          TL                          COACH
                                       AR ATLANTA       1147A       

Mon 07SEP DELTA 5322*       OK     U   LV ATLANTA       135P           **
                                       AR MOLINE        225P          COACH
          *Operated by ATLANTIC SOUTHEAST
Check your flight information online at delta.com or call the Delta Flightline at 800-325-1999.

Baggage and check-in requirements vary by airport and airline, so please check with the operating carrier on your ticket.
Please review Delta's check-in Requirements and baggage guidelines for details.

You must be checked in and at the gate at least 15 minutes before your scheduled departure time for travel inside the United States.
You must be checked in and at the gate at least 45 minutes before your scheduled departure time for international travel.
For tips on flying safely with laptops, cell phones, and other battery-powered devices, please visit http://SafeTravel.dot.gov.

Key to Terms
# - Arrival date different than departure date
** - See Seats on delta.com
*** - Multi meals
*S$ - Multiple seats
AR - Arrives
B - Breakfast
C - Bagels/Beverages
D - Dinner
F - Food available for purchase
L - Lunch
LV - Departs
M - Movie
R - Refreshments - Complimentary
S - Snack
T - Cold meal
V - Snacks for Sale

Passenger Information
SkyMiles Number: *******459

Billing Details

Receipt Information


Fare:         68.84 USD           Form of Payment  VI************2666
Tax:          26.36 TX            
Total:        95.20 USD           


Note: When using certain vouchers to purchase tickets, remaining credits may not be refunded. Additional charges and/or credits may apply and are displayed in the sections below.

This ticket is non-refundable unless issued at a fully refundable fare. Any change to your itinerary may require payment of a change fee and increased fare. Failure to appear for any flight without notice to Delta will result in cancellation of your remaining reservation.

Detailed Tax Information

Total Tax: 26.36 USD

XF         9.00  ZP         7.20  AY         5.00  US         5.16

Ticketing Details

Scan this barcode at a Delta Self-Service Kiosk to access your reservation.

TICKET #:  00623144107386
Issue Date:  09/06/09  Expiration: 09/06/10
Place of Ticket Issue:  WWWRES
Issuing Agent Id:  DL/WW
Ticket Issue date:  06SEP09
Not Transferable

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Conditions of Carriage

Air transportation on Delta and the Delta Connection carriersŪ is subject to Delta's conditions of carriage. They include terms governing, for example:

These terms are incorporated by reference into our contract with you. You may view these conditions of carriage on delta.com, or by requesting a copy from Delta.

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