Parsons College Links
Where The Boys Are (WTBA)
Graduates 1875-1942
Phi Sigma Epsilon of Parsons College
Towne and Country Tapper's (TCT)
of Parsons College
Sigma Pi
Fraternity, Gamma Zeta Chapter of Parsons College - 11th Reunion in
Williamsburg, VA, 4-7 October 2007
Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity
VIP's (Very Important Party)
College History
Fairfield, Iowa

Coach Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer
born in Albia, Iowa.
Parsons College
Football & Track and Class President,
in 1953 joined US Army in Korea War,
married Patricia 1969,
lived at 806 North 4th Street, Fairfield, Iowa 52556
Parsons Athletic Director until 1971, William Penn U Coach of the Year.
The new "fraternity brothers" at the Frat dorms
Maharishi's Vedic Pundits

Dedicating their lives to enlightenment for themselves and all people on Earth.
Practicing advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhis
including Yogic Flying
Creating an influence of harmony and prosperity for world peace and
Invincible America

Delta Zeta founders