DEIN Demographics Equality Inclusion Naturally based on Merit
Diversity (fewer White taxpayers) Equity (free stuff for equal outcomes) and Inclusion (based on whining not merit)
DEIN stands for Demographics, Equality (not forced equity) and Intelligence (not idiotic practices) Natural (not man made). DIE ("Diversity Inclusion Equity) forces the majority to subsidize the minority and excludes them from opportunities through racial quotes.
DEIN lets God / Mother Nature organize which race is dominant in which environment. Whites are 15% of the world, and a minority, yet thrive in cold environments. Their growth is natural and shall not be infringed.
Thanks to NDEI, Iowa is 90% White and has an average IQ of 103 (Massachusetts is the highest at 104), low crime rate, lowest rape rate, and produces more food per capita than any people on Earth.
For example, Fairfield Iowa has a black Council Member and a woman Mayor
without forced DEI.
Iowa's average IQ is 103. Massachusetts (home of Harvard and MIT) is
the highest with 104.
Iowa is 90.6% White, and this is not "a problem to be fixed." Every
race deserves a breeding ground.
4.1% of Iowans do 25.2% of the crime, due to the content of their character,
not the color of their skin.
Iowa has the lowest Rape Rate in the USA.
Sweden has Europe's highest rape rate as a result of "Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion" of migrants
who also caused unprecedented crime and arson.
Iowans produce more food per capita than any people on Earth.
California produces more with their 39 million people. Iowa is #2 with
only 4 million people.
Whites are a Minority in the world, only 14% of people.
Fairfield Iowa
MultiCultural Action Committee
Fairfield Iowa Uni-Cultural Committee
DEIN Demographics Equality & Inclusion NATURALLY
DEIN stands for Demographics, Equality (not forced equity) and Inclusion
(based on freedom of choice) by NATURAL LAW (not man made laws trying to "play
God"). DIE ("Diversity Inclusion Equity) forces the majority to subsidize the
minority and excludes them from opportunities through racial quotas. DEIN lets
God / Mother Nature organize which race is dominant in each environment. Whites
are only 14% of the world, a minority, yet thrive in cold environments. Their
growth is natural and shall not be infringed.
Iowa is 90.6% White and has an average IQ of 103 (Mass. is the highest at 104),
low crime rate, the lowest USA rape rate, and produces more food per capita than
any people on Earth. This is not "a problem to be fixed."
For example, Fairfield Iowa has a black Council Member and a woman Mayor without
forced DEI, quotas, race-based "Affirmative Action", or special benefits. A
group thrives based on the content of their character, and merit.