Mayor Boyer limited speeches to 3 minutes, so only the sentences in bold were able to be read.

Rick Shaddock,  proposing a Current Culture Advisory Committee web site   Demographics Equality Inclusion Naturally.   DEI says we need more "People of Color"
I am a Person of All Colors (spin wheel) and card carrying member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
I propose we meet with the Multi Cultural Advisory Committee to compromise on a better resolution to propose to the council.  The current proposal sound like Anti-White, Communist Party and George Soros efforts to Divide and Conquer America's breeding grounds and resources for 1.4 billion Chinese 91% same race, not diverse at all.  They need room for more than 1 child and quietly buy our land, our politicians, and naive fellow citizens.  Chinese Art of War says: Get the Enemy to fight themselves. Once Communists take over, we saw mass murders including naive helpers.
So we condemn all Discrimination now? - using our brains to decide between choices for the best?  At HyVee, we cannot discriminate against bad apples?
Everyone on the Council was elected due to Discrimination by the Voters.  Not a random lottery drawing.
We have a woman Mayor, not Michael Halley based on Conservative vs. Liberal values, not woman vs. man.
Fairfield voted for black Councilman Gandy not Brad Fregger.  Democrat vs Republican, not black or White
Fairfield already discriminates properly. without a DEI watch dog committee playing "God" base on their quotas
We should celebrate our success, not look for problems or microagressions and making them grow.  What we put our attention on grows.  
Discrimination for lack of a better word is good.  Discrimination based on merit works, for the upward surge of mankind. For thousands of generations, our ancestors discriminated which man or woman would best upbring children.
Iowa's demographics is just fine. Naturally. 90% White Iowa is not "a problem to be fixed".  Birds of a Feather Flock Together.  Zoos put different types of birds in different cages to avoid in fighting.
It is the natural tendency of life to get along better with others like us, our family, ancestors, and children.  Proclamations trying to fight human nature are like swimming upstream.  Forcing people to be with people they are not alike, for "diversity" sake does not have a good track record. 
Diverse USA has 18 times worse crime than non-diverse China.  Poland and Hungary don't push unlike people together and their crime went down.
Once peaceful Minneapolis, now diverse, had rioters burn the city when White police arrested a black on drugs.
Lincoln Nebraska Mayor Leirion Baird signed the DEI Resolution.  Still BLM rioters burned businesses and trashed Abraham Lincoln's statue
St. Louis is equally divided by race, 50%, maximum Diversity, maximum differences between people, and has the highest crime rate in the USA.  Diversity sounds good, but actually brings division, and internal friction.
Some say it shouldn't be like that. Complain to Mother@Nature.God  Racial preference stems from the programming the DNA in every cell of our bodies, to replicate exact copies, resist differences, and defend breeding grounds.
Natural Selection is inclusion in evolution based on merit. Inclusion is earned not demanded.
We are not against Diversity, just who decides
diversity. Nature, not a self-appointed committee deciding quotas.
Everyone agrees diversity of occupations is strength for a town: doctors, lawyers, mechanics, restaurants
Do they want Diversity of IQ?   Iowa has an average IQ of 103, just below Massachusetts with 104
Diversify with migrants from Somalia with an average IQ of 68?
Diversity of respect for women?  Iowa has the lowest rape rate in the USA.  Invite migrants who made Sweden the highest rape rate?
Diversity of Work ethic & productivity?  Fairfield has Dexter and Cambridge employing hundreds. 
Bring in more unskilled people cant understand the job then live on Food Stamps at tax payer expense?
Iowa is nice as is.
 Iowa farmers produce more food per capita  than any state.
Unity is strength, not diversity.  Let's Keep Iowa as we are, unified, law abiding, loving our families, and a place to Grow naturally.
If it is not broke, don't fix it. You may just make it worse.



Fairfield Media Center recording

We are all People Of All Colors (POAC)
No skin color is special, colorless, nor invisible. Look deeper within.




Ideas (but not read)

Diversity of Human Rights?  Iowa sent 11000 soldiers to stop Slavery in the Civil War in 1865 Africa still has slavery today especially Libya.  Ethiopia had slavery until 1942.  They preach to us?
Diversity of Respect for Property? South Africa voted to take land from White farmers.
Diversity of Respect for Law?  4% of African Iowans do 25% of the crime.

Diversity of Work ethic & productivity?  Fairfield has Dexter and Cambridge employing hundreds. 
Bring in more unskilled people cant understand the job then live on Food Stamps at tax payer expense?
By Diversity they mean skin color.  We need  fewer Whites and more "People of Color" DEI says.
Depopulate the People who have no Color yet built Iowa from just a fair field, now that Fairfield is great. Make these colorless, invisible.  Push them down.
Block them on social media.  Confuse them about gender they so they don't reproduce children.  Disappear their DNA.
But European Americans are not colorless nor invisible.  White is a color.
Michael King Jr. using the name of Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran Church in 1517 said "Judge not by the color of one's skin but by content of their character." and I say: the content of their cranium.
What contributions have these People of All Colors made? 
January is Inventor Appreciation Month.  Democracy: White Ancient Greeks, Arena & Podium; USA: George Washington & Thomas Jefferson (our County) Lights: Thomas Edison, Microphone: Emile Berliner, Dry wall: August Sackett, Latex paint: Henry Sherman & Ed Williams, Carpet: William Sprague, TV Philo Farnsworth, first Phone: Alexander Graham Bell, iPhone: Steve Jobs.