New Carpet for Stairs


12 New carpet for stairs
and upstairs

Order from Ottumwa

$? Stains cannot be removed
Time for a new carpet

SKU 777 1404

12  x 3      12 x 3     12 x 4.5

Shaw® Huntington Oat Beige Plush Carpet 12 ft. Wide


Model Number: 759Z575201 Menards ® SKU: 7771404   $.88/square foot

2N 10.5 x 16 = 192 sqf x .$.88 = $147.84 11% 168  $169  8 to 8  - West Burlington has it. Ottumwa is low.  72 lb
Full roll about 900 xq    75 feet is in a roll
Ottumwa 641-682-4711 x18    West Burlington 319-754-5002 x18

Seal carpet

Home Improvement