"Multi Cultural Advisory Committee"
Uni Cultural Advisory Committee or
Multi Cultural Assimilation Committee
No holds barred for criminals resisting arrest
2020-07-27 Monday 7:00 pm

The City Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.
If items are not on the City Council agenda they may be brought up for
discussion but the City Council can not act upon them. If you have questions
regarding this procedure, contact the City Administrator at 641-472-6193.
Thank you for your cooperation.


Date of Council Meeting which you plan to attend: _July 27, 2020_
Text Rick said         What Rick planned to say       What Rick would say if there was unlimited time

Name of Person  Rick Shaddock, Concerned citizen of the Keep Iowa Families Safe
Editor of FairfieldReader.com where you can read my editorial for more details
Feb is Black history month
July is White History Month - declared by a black Raverend Jesse Peterson
to promote peace and equality between the races
This is about the proposed Multicultural Advisory Committee
we propose a counter-balancing Unicultural Advisory Committee
Unity is our strength, not just diversity
Most people in Fairfield are Uniculturalists -
I say things the Silent Majority is thinking, does not mind some diversity here and there but we like the way we are
A safe, High IQ state 103, only 1 point below the home of Harvard Massachusetts
Iowa is a Place to Grow, not just corn, but smart people like Dr. James Van Allen
Generating brain wave coherence from Near the population center of the USA

Reverend Jesse Peterson

* Unicultural countries like Hungary, Poland, and Japan have a low crime rate.
PLUS have a high birth rate.  high mutual attraction,
Mormon, Amish and Muslims often have 8 children
They like who they look like, (that's why it is called Like)
Japan became so populated they had to make a law to not have so many kids
Sadly, Multicultural marriages have less in common, high divorce rates, and fewer children
Note I am saying shared Culture, Values, Rule of Law and Content of Character, not color of skin MLK
Common way of living according to Rule  Law
Wisely Fairfield already already has a rule painting political messages on streets like Black Lives Matter , for safety reasons, only messages like  SCHOOL ZONE.
BLM is divisive.  But it is Bullying to insist people say My Life Matters. Say it or else!
Say it like you mean it!  Say it on your knees!
NY Police Chief Terrance Monahan took a knee with "protesters", and that night more riots and looting.
No appeasement is ever enough
well Respect has be earned, not demanded,
or brain washed into us
Even Black ladies like Bevelyn Beatty have tried to paint over the divisive message in front of Trump Tower. 
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is being sued for prejudice, not allowing a white group to paint a message too. 
  "No One Is Above The Law. 
It is best that Fairfield Council stay neutral and avoid racially controversial topics that change our demographics
Everyone already agrees Black Lives Matter
Blacks do  better in the USA than in any country. ask Billionaires Oprah and
Michael Jordan

many high IQ Blacks do not agree with the BLM Inc. socialist agenda.  Bright Blacks, such as Candace Owens and Harvard Professor Tom Sowell  say the biggest problem is the Government replacing Fathers, and  is hypocritical to say Black Lives Matter when most blacks are killed by blacks.


* FF   is 10% Black including great citizens like my MIU tenants and Paul Gandy, Harvard educated, law abiding  law professional), and model citizen.
10% of the Council is Non-white accrording,    This happened Organically no quotas AA or protests necessary, 
Mother Nature organized it.


High IQ blacks

Many BLM activists are White.   Spoiled Brat Lives Matter.
They want to paint BLM on our streets, like saying "Our lives deserve respect"  

* At the BLM rally on the Town Square June 3, mostly white I got up and shouted All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter and was bood and pushed out of the square, called "racist"
All lives Matter is the opposite of racism.
There is no reasoning with them.
Bullies will put words into our mouths.
Subject to be discussed:  My reason for speaking this week is
* Mayor Boyer stated on KTVO    __

signing the Obama Foundation  My Brothers's Keeper Pledge . 
Obama  is asking Mayors to sign what his community wants, and listing who signed - didn't  or else be called "racist"
or face riots and looting 
1st REVIEW police use of force policies  - making Police the problem
OUR community SM considers criminals the problem and Police to be our brave protectors

2. ENGAGE community by including diversity  (fewer whites)
3. REPORT findings to your community
4. REFORM community police use of force policies


  *  No Head lock Choke holds.
 This demand is based on a false narrative.
   George Floyd was high on Meth and Fentanol plus  COVID and was refusing to get in the police car
 . The drugs he took for years killed HEART ATTCK, not the knee.
   He was no hero, went to jail 9 times. He broke in a pregnant lady's home and robbed her at gun point

   then got a reduced sentence. He got his karma come
   Head locks are often done by Fairfield High School wrestlers and no one gets hurt
  In my school days I was on a Wrestling Team and experienced many head locks
  and there is nothing wrong with my head, maybe a big head with an IQ of 155, thanks to TM
   Police should be able to hold a suspect's head, in life or death situations, when criminals resist arrest
   Only criminals want this ban on head lock.  
People with the highest crime rate are telling Police how to behave in a fight.
Law abiding Fairfield citizens don't need this ban.

Criminals do head locks
OUR culture says Police do what is necessary to a resisting suspect. 
to hand cuff him.  then
No Holds Barred.
Iowa made some good wrestlers like Dan Gable

Head locks save lives.  If Atlanta officer Garrett  Rolf could, Rayshard Brooks would be alive and in custody
In our culture we comply with police doing their job to arrest knowing we get our day in court.

On MickeyElston.com I listed his 30 Small Claims Court Judgements copied from  IowaCourts.gov to warn Fairfield citizens to only pay him AFTER he does the construction work.  Con Artist Mickey falsely claimed to the Police that I hurt him.  I was served a warrant I did not agree with, but complied with Officer Miller and our Court system to tell the Judge my side.
 I never touched Mickey and Making a web site is not a crime.
  No Fairfield Police should be suspended or fired for defending himself.

   In Atlanta officers (Garrett Rolfe) could not put Rayshard Brooks in a head lock, who grabbed the officers tazer, fired, and got shot. Then the officers get fired and face murder charges.
   Handcuffing someone who is resisting is not an easy task.
   Anyone on the Board want to try it?  Chief Thomas?  Michael is athletic

Logan Adam

Lincoln Nebraska's Mayor Leirion Baird she signed the Pledge to Obama, and has a MultiCultural Advisory Committee
Assumption is that Multi Culturalism is an agreed desired outcome for the majority of voters
Please don't assume all Fairfielders are into the MCAC which also stands for
Minimize Caucasians And Christians

Where in the world has multiculturalism ever worked?  without diluting the host culture.  Impossible
You need about 10000 people to form a culture. 
Fairfield is 7 square miles with 10000.  Chinatown in DC is 1 sq mile with 10000
Most multicultural cities have most conflict, crime,
riots  London
, cultural enrichs (murders, stabbings, rapes, macheties, acid in faces, crimes they never heard of )   In France, churches burned down including Notre Dame
Unlike people do not like each other as much
It is Natural Law to like people who are like us, who look alike - much more harmonious
Instead of improving cultures their ancestors built, they want to immigrate here to a better environment our ancestors built, enjoy our benefits, and they want us to help them.
* Lincoln Nebraska Mayor Baird still had BLM Riots on May 30 doing  $10 million damage, including the statue of Abraham Lincoln who knows Black Lives Matter and freed the slaves. Go figure

Another City Council in Asheville NCare  approved reparations for descendents of slaves
and they want every
City Council to do it.

Since the 1600's  Africans caught the Africans and sold them to the Arab Slave traders
who brought 10% to the USA and 90% to other countries South America and Arabia
Anyone who was a descendent of an African who caught slaves should pay to who was caught.
Yes there was a market, but as with drugs, we punish the Supplier and Dealer
It is not a crime to want a slave  There were no white slave catchers in Africa, Blacks caught blacks.
Iowa was never a slave state.  None of us owned slaves.
600000 White Civil War soldiers (including 11000 Iowans) died to free the slaves in 1865
So Iowan's should never be asked for Reparations
* However Africans still catch Africans TODAY into slavery, including women as sex slaves, especially in Libya 
There is a petition online to end Slavery by 2021.

BLM will probably want Jefferson County changed because Thomas Jefferson owned slaves

Those who still catch slaves  have no right to accuse us for slavery we ended 155 years ago.
How about a Pledge from Obama to stop the slaves in Africa, and the high crime and resisting arrest from his community

Thanks you  6 min   Happy White History Month  
This meeting I am proposing not having a Multi Cultural Advisor Committee -
Leave demographics to Mother Nature
But it will be hard to avoid because of the bullying tactics of BLM
 They will accuse us of being racist and threaten riots if we don't have a MCAC.
I volunteer to be on the MCAC.
Sorry I am a straight white male, with few Victim Points.   I am a person of Color according to True Value Hardware color Flesh and card carrying member of the NAACP . I met DC director Hilary Shelton He welcomed me and agreed that all people have a color.   Everyone should be proud of his/her race in this lifetime.  I told him  through reincarnation we will be all colors eventually.   Every race needs a breeding ground, or goes extinct.  Friendly natural competition between races brings out everyone's best, as in the Olympics
I admire their clever tactic and Tribal Loyalty  -
Whites can learn a lot about Tribal Loyalty, which Blacks have much more of.
NAACP says February is Black History Month. 
and to be fair and MultiCultural
July is White History Month since 2017 declared by black talk show host Reverend Jesse Peterson 
Blacks seem to better understand the concept of Tribal Loyalty.
Why so many whites seem to want our own genocide to signal virtue
It is healthy and natural tendency for people to root for the home team. 
Go Trojans!   Go Whites!   Be proud of who we are.



It's OK if Multiculturalism happens naturally.  
But the natural tendency of people is to be with those they like and are alike.
Government intervention is required to counteract this tendency.



It is wrong and racist to discourage a race or culture from coming to our town
But is is also wrong and racist against the existing people to encourage them to do so. 
Government already enforces multiculturalism at the expense of uniculturalism


Another solution is to have a counter-balancing Unicultural Advisory Committee__
I volunteer to serve on that committee too

My family
Iowa is a place to grow (our motto) a place to grow, not just corn, but a breeding ground for families
Let's be clear what Multiculturalism is - (not just different restaurants) saying we need to breed more Persons of Color and fewer Whites
More outside people immigrating to benefit from what we and our ancestors built
Uniculturalism = grow from within our existing population - We are good and worth repeating and want to pass our life style and town on to our children, just the way it is.
We all have DNA through which our ancestors say make more like us, make an environment conducive to our growth

Uniculturalism is difficult by law.   You can't favor your own kind.  illegal housing discrimination rules, Affirmative Action since 1961.  Quotas
Uniculturalism is the natural tendency. Birds of a feather flock together.
Only in white countries do you find this concern for other races and Multiculturalism
China is very racist

South Africa's Congress voted unanimously to take land from white farmers and give it to blacks as punishment for Apartheid.
In the USA we would never take land based on skin color
Organization:  Should the Council help alter our Demographics?__
Should we play God or Mother Nature
Is it the perview of the Fairfield City Council?
* Unicultural countries like Hungary, Poland, and Japan have a low crime rate.  YET
Unicultural communities have a high birth rate.  high mutual attraction, Mormon, Amish and Muslims often have 8 children
Multicultural marriages have the most differences, highest divorce rate, fewest children
People generally like who they are like. That's why it is called Like.
Healthy DNA is programmed to replicate.
If people like themselves, they like people who look like themselves.
After graduation from Fairfield many young people go to Des Moines find more potential mates who look like them and share same culture.
Parsons College graduates stayed more in Fairfield to create families.  as did MIU graduates until 2002, he collapse of Telegroup.  17 years later Maharishi School's graduating class had only 3 in the senior class in 2019

My wife and I rent to mostly lady MIU students who rarely stay in Fairfield, marry a Computer Science graduate and start a family  They mostly go to California
Ideally, if everyone is in Cosmic Consciousness they see the One in everyone regardless of skin color
But in reality we have people in normal Consciousness.

We hear "Diversity is our strength"  
which means fewer whites

How is he Lincoln Nebraska MCAC  appeasement working?
Lincoln Journal Star "City Officials call for calm after protest in Lincoln turns violent overnight",
Sadly, BLM sees that Bulling Works.  They get appeasement after appeasement
No arrests of protesters even photographed while looting stores.
In NYC the Police Chief got on his knees with protesters.  Still riots and looting
People have kissed the feet of BLM activists.  Still riots and looting

Never satisfied
Affirmative Action, special consideration for Blacks since 1961 (3 generations) is not enough
__Should Fairfield tax payers have to fund white depopulation and replacement?_
"Diversity" means "fewer whites" (which is racist)_
Their clear goal is to out breed and replace us, and get us to help them.
If there is a MCAC, can we have an equally supported Traditional Uni Culture Advisory Committee?__
Or people like me should also be on the MCAC.  We have an existing good culture in the Status Quo
What does the Lincoln Nebraska MCAC want?  From their web site.....
* Community building through fostering diverse relationships
    Diversity = anti-white
* Creating printed media for immigrant community members to better understand police services and laws
    Learn English or go back to your country. Why do we have to print things for them?
    How about don't steal, riot and loot
    More Blacks are shot by Police per capita because their culture is to Resist Arrest more .
    Don't struggle against being arrested 
More Whites are arrested by Police (because we are majority)
     but fewer resist arrest.  So more Blacks per arrest are shot in the USA
    Plus whites don't riot
* Organizing cultural training for police officers and community

   Again putting the blame on the Police - how to deal with violent aggressive cultures

   (How about we don't let low IQ people in, who are more aggressive)

* Removal of statues of whites  without a vote or knowing much about the person
(Lee Gobbell, they're coming.  going to find some reason to call you racist)
* Change name of Lincoln (who freed the slaves) to a Person of Color
   BLM will want Jefferson County changed because Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, as did many including blacks
* Fairfield to Brownfield
* Reparations - stop slavery in Africa firs



* One of my public services is to post web sites to warn citizens about Con Artists
   In Virgina A landlord who stole security deposits, DC A computer company owner who didn't pay contractors
   like MickeyElston.com who 30 people had to take to Small Claims Court .
   He couldn't get the webs site down, so he made up a story to the police how I harassed him .
   When Police came, disagreed with the charge, yet did not fight.  I put my hands behind my back for the cuffs, and fought the charge in Court   Our culture developed the Constitution, Rule of Law and Court System
See: Iowa Department of Corrections demographic statistics
Or no business telling us how to behave
3.5% of Iowans do 25% of the crime.
3.5% of Iowans should do 3.5% of the crime. not 7 times their percentage
The highest crime group tells the Police and city officials how to behave

How about they behave first?  bring their crime rate down, then we will listen to their advice.
Whites do crimes too, but are 90% of Iowa and do only 60% of the crime 2/3rds
UniCulture is our strength, not "a problem to be fixed. "
Whiteness is our strength.  Average IQ of 103 only 1 point below Massachusetts, home of Harvard..   Everyone in the world wants to move to cities whites created..
No racist, demographics altering "advisory" committee at Fairfield tax payer expense.
Let Mother Nature determine our percentage of blacks and whites, not legislation. Don't play God.
It is a QuickSand, which will only invite more "victimhood" incidents, to justify the Committee's budget
we already have a good system, such as what I am doing right now.
Individuals can come before the Council
An Advisory Committee implies a special status. 
Who will be on it? How selected?  What if the council doe snot agree to suggestion
Will you be called Racists in your next election
Natural Selection and Evolution will take care of it.
This land was once the Ioway natives, then the Souix, then Europeans who invented guns. (and wheel)
This is the new technique to take over breeding grounds by taking advantage of our Heart, to shame us into helping them take over your land. It only works if we let the bullies lie, breed at our tax payer expense, and outvote us.  If we do that and are so stupid, we are Naturally Selecting ourselves out for extinction.
We don't have to Signal our Virtue by genociding ourselves and passively let others take our land.
Every race needs a breeding ground for their DNA to survive and thrive.
Survival of the Fittest includes defending one's breeding grounds for generations.

If Purple People did crime, we should not welcome them.

MAC Activities
Activities of the MAC includes:
BLM on street was stopped when a Trump supporter wanted MAGA, and they could not

Community building through fostering diverse relationships
    Diversity = anti-white
Creating printed media for immigrant community members to better understand police services and laws
    Learn English or go back to your country. Why do we have to print things for them. Get out.
    Creating a safe platform to share community information and concerns
    Iowa is 90% white and safe. 3.51% do 25% of the crime
Facilitated discussions
Organizing and presenting cultural training for police officers and community
Representing a positive presence in our community
    100 years from now Fairfield should be the same
Community engagement

Serve on the MAC
The MAC is recruiting members to serve on their committee. Candidates should:

Be able to attend monthly meetings
Be accepting of persons different than themselves and respectful of different faiths
    Only if their faiths are acceptable. It is unacceptable to force women to wear a hijab or be beaten
    No. If you are moving here, adopt OUR culture or stay out.
Be connected to the community with the ability to foster relationships
Be willing to cooperatively work with the police in enhancing relationships between all cultural communities and police
Live, work, or worship in Hopkins
Background Check & Application
Candidates must pass a criminal background check and have a brief interview with staff. Complete the online application to serve on the MAC.


Police are not the problem.  People who commit crimes are the problem.  Better to review Fairfield's immigration policies.


Lincoln Nebraska has a Multi Cultural Advisory Committe. Advice on how Police should behave from the people with the highest crime rate. "Diversity is strength"




Abraham Lincoln's monument in Lincoln Nebraska is vandalized with graffiti




Today’s Date: _July 22, 2020_______________
Name of Person: ___Rick Shaddock, Keep Iowa Families Safe Committee__
Organization: ____Concerned citizen Should the Council help alter our Demographics?__
Subject to be discussed: _ - Mayor stated on KTVO
__Lincoln Nebraska has a MultiCultural Advisory Committee_
yet still had BLM Riots n Lincoln Nebraska on May 30 (not what we want)__
Background/Related Information: _"Diversity" means "fewer whites" (which is racist)_
__Should Fairfield tax payers have to fund white depopulation and replacement?_
__If there is a MCAC, can we have an equally supported Traditional Culture Committee?__
Listing of supporting documentation:_Lincoln Journal Star "City Officials call for calm
_after protest in Lincoln turns violent overnight", plus riots in cities with well meaning
"diversity is strength".
See: Iowa Department of Corrections demographic statistics.
Iowa is 90% "too white" and high IQ.
Unity is our strength, not "a problem to be fixed. "
No racist, demographics altering "advisory" committee at Fairfield tax payer expense.
Natural Selection and Evolution will take care of it.


MAYOR: Okay we will move to public uh form and appearances first person is Mr Rick Shaddock regarding the MultiCultural Advisory Committee
and Rick you have three minutes to talk
RICK: I'll do my best okay.  I am the Editor of FairfieldReader.com where you can read more about my talk.  I am also a Person Of Color and I got this from Home Depot
and a card carrying member of the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.  I have met the Director and we agreed that everyone has a color
and everybody has a right to be proud of their background.
Now,  February is Black History Month and July is White History Month as declared by a black Reverend Jesse Peterson to promote peace and equality between races.
So this is about peace and equality between races to balance the proposed Multi Cultural Advisory Committee with a Uni Cultural Advisory Committee.
Unity is also our strength not just diversity.
And most people in Fairfield. the Silent Majority are UniCulturalists and we don't mind some diversity here and there.  The events, restaurants, and people are great but we basically like the way we are.
Our culture is a high IQ culture.  iowa has an average IQ of 103 only one point below Massachusetts, home of Harvard, where Councilman Gandy went and
Iowa is a place to grow not just corn, but smart people like Dr James Van Allen,
generating brain wave coherence from near the population center of the United States.
Now UniCultural countries, to say something on their behalf, Hungary Poland and Japan have low crime rates plus a high birth rate.  There is high mutual attraction.
Mormons, Amish and Muslims often have eight children.
They like who they look like that's why they call it "like".
Japan came so populated they had to make a law against more children.
So, uh sadly multicultural marriages statistically and more in divorce and have fewer children
Now when talking about shared culture, not not skin culture, a shared culture and living in accordance with the rule of law and respect for our police.
Wisely, Fairfield didn't get into allowing Black Lives Matter or any other message on the street
The message is kind of divisive.  It's kind of bullying to insist "hey, my life matters"
"Say it or else".  "Say it like you mean it!"  "Say it on your knees."
New York Police Chief Torrance Monahan took a knee with the protesters.  That night there were more riots and looting.
So appeasement is not the answer.
Also it's best that the Council will stay out of you know racially divisive issues.
So now everyone agrees black lives matter.  Blacks do better in the United States than anywhere: billionaires Oprah
Mayor: your three minutes is up so can you get to your last point please
Okay well I would say what's most important is one of the requests that Obama's pledge for all mayors to sign, or else, should be called racist. 
It is a review of police force policies.  They're targeting the police.  The police are not the problem according to the silent majority.
The criminals are the problem.
And a Fairfield High School Wrestling Team can put a headlock on, so why not the police?
So we should err on the side of safety for the police.  Only criminals want the ban on the headlock.
I was a wrestler and was in plenty of head headlocks, and my head is fine.  Mike may disagree
But we should err on the side of safety for the police and so
Lincoln Nebraska's Mayor Baird said she signed the pledge to Obama and what happened?
She had there over $10 million dollars of looting and rioting .
So signing these pledges is not not the answer.
Another city council Asheville North Carolina approved reparations and encourages every city council to do that.
Well, since the 1600s Africans caught the Africans and sold them to Arab slave traders
GUY: would wish he's off topic according to yes his request you want to talk about the multicultural advisory committee he's not talking about that
MAYOR: right so if you have a point make it you have 15 seconds
RICK: then all right well i would like to be on that MultiCultural Committee.  I am a Person Of Color
or we should have a a UniCulture Advisory Council for the status quo, and i say the Silent Majority and
happy White History Month
Thank you very much.
okay our next public appearance has to do with our project update from Alex Potter McClure Engineering...