FISHIM for Men and FISHE for Ladies
FISHIM is more than just a place to
rent, but an education.
Knowledge is for Action, Achievement, and Fulfillment.
Prepare for your future house co-ownership
Learn to manage future house so your wife can focus on your children
in the traditional roles for optimal population reproduction.
Good HouseHolder seal of approval
Requirements and Residence Course
Check List
In light of the
principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence
At Home With All
Do Less and Accomplish More
Order is Present Everywhere
Inner is the Basis of the Outer
Fairfield Iowa School of
Home Improvement
1 Shaddock Street campus
Recent Graduates - Certified House Managers - H.I.M. Alumnae
Rick Shaddock, Gerard Pereira, Jon Jorge, Tim Murphy, Jonathan Bazan
Merit Badges - At Home With All Knowledge - Steps of Progress - Enlivening Total Knowledge
|'s goal is to offer Home Improvement and Management degrees at all colleges as push back against society pushing young men to get expensive student loans in topics that will not bring big salaries.
Course Materials